me - again

About Me


Josh is a self-taught developer making the career transition into Web development. His skills include HTML, CSS, JavaScript, React, Github and Figma, these are the tools he feels most comfortable with. His hobbies include hiking in the wilderness, seeking a stream with fish feeding on the surface, and on the weekdays whenever time permits, he plays disc golf with friends.

SEO Technical Developer - NP Accel

May 2021 - Present

Remote, United States

Ensure that client websites meet the technical requirements by Google standards with the goal of improving organic rankings, crawl and index your site more effectively as well as improving page speed score.

Associate SEO Strategist - NP Accel

July 2019 - May 2021

Remote, United States

Ensure that client websites meet the technical requirements by Google standards with the goal of improving organic rankings, crawl and index your site more effectively as well as improving page speed score.

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